Rough Luck Racing Update

Back to Cardiff this morning to meet Philip and his new acquisition which is a very good example of a stepspeed.

Philip wanted us to give the car a good check over and replace the cambelt as was unsure when anything was last carried out. The inlet manifold was found to be leaking so the gasket was replaced. Full cambelt service carried out, plus some other things sorted. Some very good features on this car, he’s got himself a gem.

Lots of great chats and fab weather. Look forward to seeing you next year Philip for some further work.

Made the most of the early finish, due to change of plans, we went over to Pontypool to see our friends, Jan and Andy. So good to sit in their beautiful garden, amongst all Jan’s plants, in the sunshine and have a catch-up over a cuppa. Plus great to meet gorgeous puss Poppy.

Posted today to the
Rough Luck Racing Facebook page.