Rough Luck Racing Update

On our way back to our digs on the M27, after a productive day, in Chichester, for work on Rod’s fab TF 135.

This car had previously been abandoned in a car park for about 4 years. Rod eventually took ownership and wanted everything putting to rights to make it a sound car, and therefore he asked us to carry out the following:

– Head gasket replacement
– Cambelt service including water pump and tensioner
– Full clutch kit
– Slave cylinder
– Clutch steel pipe section
– Alternator belt

Great to meet Rod and to have everything done and up and running, another really great car saved.

We had allowed two days to do it in,
as we all know that there can be awkward bolts etc, especially, as mentioned, it had been abandoned for a while. But, having got everything done today we get a day off tomorrow!

Posted today to the
Rough Luck Racing Facebook page.