🎄✨🎄 “Happy Christmas” 🎄✨🎄

To all of our friends and customers old and new. What a year it has been and a challenging one for so many again. But, so nice to see, the good old human resolve shining through. Let’s hope 2022 sees some changes for the better for everyone.

Thank you, so much, for your loyalty and unfailing support during 2021. We’ve met some truly lovely people and have been made very welcome in your homes and workplaces and car parks alike! Plus we have been so lucky to have visited some amazing locations again, throughout the U.K.

Happy Christmas from Jon & Claire

🌟Our very ‘Best Wishes’ for the festive season and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022 🌟

🎄⭐️🎄⭐️ Jon & Claire ⭐️🎄⭐️🎄 –