Back to reality today, after a really fantastic time away in Greece…

We headed south to a lovely little village called Pentlow, in Suffolk, where it was really good to meet Gary and his lovely wife, for work on their very tidy MGF Steptronic, that her father had bought for her some years ago. Unfortunately, for them the head gasket had gone again and the car was also over due it’s cambelt service.

The dreaded K-seal had been added at some point in its life, so we cleaned away what we could of that hideous stuff. Couple of bits replaced to get her back to rights and it was so lovely seeing the smile on their faces when she was fired back up.

Really nice morning chatting, together with welcoming brews and butties and some good weather thrown in too.

We then headed further south and are now in our digs in Westerham.

A good start to the week to get us back to it. ☺️ –