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Mobile MG Rover Repair Service

A bit of everything this week, we did have a couple of days off, after our last northern trip just to rest our aches and pains!

Then back to it at the workshop on Wednesday morning…

David came over to the workshop from Holton-Le-Clay, for cambelt service on his ‘05 TF 135 in paint code CEV. Great to see him as always and have a chat while we worked and to see the photos of the TD that he’s just bought, what a great looking car, hope to see it in the flesh next time.

Anthony brought over his ‘02 TF 160 for some work that we’d noted needing sorting when he had recently been over for a health check & service, having not long taken ownership of. The front suspension top arm replaced, plus top ball joint as both were definitely past their best.

Back on the road on Thursday, that found us in Droitwich for work on Mick’s ‘00 MGF 143 in paint code MNX, that he’d owned for three years, but unfortunately for the last 2 had been sat as the head gasket had gone.

Head gasket replacement and full cambelt service carried out, along with free off of the clutch release arm and new slave cylinder. The back screen was split so we went armed with a replacement for them which we duly fitted. Cars all now back up and sorted for them, ready to take to for the MOT and for Mick to enjoy once more. Great to meet everyone!

David had driven over from Spilsby on Wednesday to leave his car with us for some work, where we could fit it in next week, so this morning we decided to cracking with it. Initially booked in for clutch replacement, he mentioned that he’d recently noticed a bit of coolant loss. Once in the engine bay, it was evident what the problem was, with significant pink staining from the head.

Clutch replaced, along with a new slave cylinder, clutch release-arm eased off and all gaskets replaced. With a decent mileage, trips abroad and David having done quite a lot of auto-testing in the car,
she’s all good to go again for lots more fun!

Anthony & Olivia came over to collect his TF, ready to take it to the classic car show at Chatsworth House tomorrow.

Neil and Barbara drove over from Colne to leave their TF 160 with us, good to see them for a quick chat before they headed off. Head gasket replacement to be done over the next couple of days.

Mick and Sammy drove over from North Yorkshire to leave Mick’s MGF Anniversary with us for gearbox swap etc, that we will be cracking on with in the morning. Good to see them too, for a chat and a cuppa.

📝 Just as a foot note, as we never like to make a drama out of things…

We would be grateful if appointments that are booked in with us could be cancelled when an alternative booking has been made with another company. It’s entirely down to choice who people wish to use, completely understand that, but just let us know, so that we can offer the date to someone else.

We’re fortunate in that it rarely happens, but such a case this week, of a somewhat sensitive nature, has come to light.

Much as we love our work, it’s not a hobby, it is our livelihood.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, at least the sun has made an appearance for the odd moment. –

Gateshead & Darlington…

Day 7 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

A busy, but also very sociable last day on our trip.

Only a few miles along the road from our digs we found ourselves at Rachael and Tony’s for some work on their ‘04 TF 160 ‘Katy’ in paint code CBT.

A recent advisory on the MOT for top ball joint, this was replaced, and Tony thought it prudent to do the other side whilst we were there. The roof was leaking quite a bit, as the seals had gone along the cant rail, they’d managed to source some new ones, so Jon set about replacing these. Oil change carried out and the alternator belt replaced, as she was behaving like an opera singer!

Great to meet Tim who came over in his ‘04 TF 115 for fitment of a remote battery isolater, as his battery had been running down and had heard about the benefits of these.

Susan came over in her ‘02 TF 160 ‘Racey Tracey’ for replacement of the alternator belt too, as not wanting to be left out of the operatics! Great to see Susan getting out and about again.

Despite the horrid weather it was a really good morning, seeing everyone whilst we got the cars all sorted.

With big thanks to Tony and Rachael for their hospitality organising breakfast for us all, lovely to sit down in their garden and have a chat. Thanks, also to them for my birthday presents, from the gang, so thoughtful.

From there we headed further south, to Darlington, to see the ‘Chairman’, Terry’s MGF 75th Anniversary.

Flexi brake hoses replaced all round for him.

Great, as always, to see him and Craig and have a catch-up. We were sent away with some beautiful produce, from their allotment, and cake for Jon. I’m now looking forward to doing a bit of cooking and baking on our next couple of days off.

Back home now, feeling a bit tired, but nonetheless another great trip, full of amazing cars, so many lovely people and fab locations. Thanks to everyone for making us so welcome, wherever we have been. –

Glasgow to Gateshead…

Day 6 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

A departure from our digs, in Irvine, this morning to head over to Glenn’s and Susan’s in Glasgow. Not for work on their car this time, but for their friend Aldo, who had just recently purchased a TF 135 in paint code CBT, from just near Birmingham, having given it the once over they found a few things to be sorted.

Having a slight change in our schedule we were pleased to be able to fit him in.

Minor service carried out, alternator belt replaced, as the one on it was squealing a tad. The underfloor coolant pipes were well past it so these were replaced with stainless. New expansion tank fitted, as the one on it was pretty grim and there was no chance of seeing the coolant level. Then, lastly, the brakes were bled through.

Date arranged at the workshop next year to carry out full underfloor treatment. Glenn and Susan will come down in their TF too for the same and make a trip of it, which is great.

Really good to see everyone today and great to meet Aldo. Big thanks to Susan and Glenn for their fab hospitality, complete with a supply of Tunnock’s!

A good run this afternoon, as we started on our journey south, bye for now Scotland, you’ve been lovely as always. We now find ourselves in our last digs of this trip, in Gateshead, ready for tomorrow’s activities… –


Day 5 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

Only a relatively short commute this morning, from Irvine to Glengarnock, for work on some of Alan’s fab fleet.

First up was his TF 135 that had developed a rather violent steering wheel shake and EPAS failure. All fuses checked, the one ABS sensor that this car has and the speed sensor and still no joy. We will be returning better prepared now we know what the problem is.

Next up, his Mk II MGF that had recently been constantly flattening the battery. We started the car and metered the battery and found that the alternator voltage regulator was faulty, so this was exchanged with a new one, car now showing correct voltage of just over 14 volts.

Then the last one to look at today was his TF 135 (1 of 1 in Twilight), that was experiencing rough running. On code reading, found that cylinder 4 had a slight misfire. Plug number 4 was past its best and the other three weren’t far behind. The spark plug leads and coil packs had signs of being burnt out, so these were all replaced, resulting now in a nice smooth running engine.

Always lovely to see Alan, and as we were there for the whole day had plenty of time to have a chat, which was great, plus lots of doggy fusses with Bruce and Mabel.

Jon dropped me off at Barrasie Beach on the way back to our digs, so that I could take in a walk along to Irvine beach, great to make the most of a beautiful evening. –

Polmont & Bellshill…

Day 4 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

A departure from our digs in Dunfermline this morning to head over to Polmont, near Falkirk, for work on Stuart’s ‘03 TF 135 in paint code LEF, that he had bought earlier in the year.

This morning we carried out full cambelt service for him. We did have to resort to Plan B as the engine mount bolts didn’t want to come undone. On our initial inspection of the car we noticed that the coolant was low in the tank, and a lot of staining underneath the thermostat housing. So we pressure tested the system and the leak was found to be coming from a split in the outlet hose from the block. Fortunately, for Stuart, it wasn’t the latter. New hose from our stock fitted and she’s all good to go for him.

What a pleasure it was to meet Stuart, at last, and have lots of great chats while we worked. Not to mention a very constant flow of a cracking brew, along with a supply of Tunnock’s! Lovely to meet his wife Fee and their lovely cats Chloe and Charlie.

We bid our farewells and headed over to Bellshill, for work on Stevens’ ‘02 TF 160
in paint code JFV.

The head gasket had gone on ‘Maggy’ a couple of months ago, so he asked if we could get to see him on our next trip up, so with this unscheduled trip we were able to happily get things sorted. Such a shame he had to miss the Highlander.

We had originally worked on this car in 2020, when Steven had won the charity auction for a cambelt service for FRL.

Big thanks to Stevens Dad, Tommy, for looking after us while he was at work, great to have a chat with him while we worked. Good to see Steven when he came back this afternoon. He’s planning on a long overdue run out this evening, with the added bonus of some sun.

We said our farewells and headed west, to where we find ourselves now in our new digs, for a couple of nights in Irvine. –

Perth & Cupar…

Day 3 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

We headed along to Perth this morning to our first call of the day, for work on Steve’s ‘04 TF 160 80th Anniversary in paint code PBT. Quite a rare one in that not only was it a top spec 160, it also had aircon fitted. Don’t know of many out there with that.

Full cambelt service carried out, new alternator belt and replacement of the expansion tank, complete with coolant alarm, that he’d left for us to fit while we were in there. Pektron unit removed too, as he only had one fob and had arranged for it to be sent to Technozen, so we’ll pop that in the post for him.

Unfortunately, didn’t get to meet Steve, but glad we were able to get his car all sorted for him. It’s obviously been well cared for in the past as every bolt was copper greased and nothing mucked about with.

From there we headed over to Cupar, where it was great to see Ewen again and to meet his new family member, Brodie.
Sorry, should be talking about his car, but slightly distracted with a very gorgeous cocker spaniel!

Minor service was due, this time, on his LE 500, number 284.

Great to have a chat with Ewen and fusses with Brodie before we headed back over to our digs in Dunfermline.

We managed to dodge the forecasted rain, and the sun finally made an appearance, when we got back, so I took myself off for a walk to Pittencrief Park and Dunfermline Abbey. What a beautiful place, well worth a visit if you’re ever in the area. –

Holywell, Bedlington & North Broomhill…

Day 2 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

A departure from our digs in Gosforth this morning for our first call of the day in Holywell, to see George and his latest project, a MGF 1.8 mpi in paint code COF that was needing a hydragas lift. Great to see him again and have a chat before heading on our way to the next call.

This was in Bedlington where it was lovely to meet Paul for work on his, fairly new acquisition, of a LE500 (number 488) in paint code 106.

Minor service carried out, alternator belt replaced as well as the underfloor coolant pipes with stainless ones. A good chat with Paul was had while we worked, including a cracking cuppa and homemade cookies. Plus he’d heard that Jon was partial to a bit of cake!

From there we headed further north to North Broomhill where it was good to see Kevin as always. His Trophy was needed a hydragas check over. Great to have a catch-up and a cuppa with him and have fusses with his lovely woofer Monty.

We’re now on the road heading a bit further north to Dunfermline where our digs will be for the next couple of nights. –

Durham, Sherwood, Seaton Delaval & Seaton Sluice…

Day 1 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

Our first visit this morning was to Durham to see what was happening with Roger’s MGF 1.8 mpi. The car had, mysteriously, after a run out, decided it didn’t want to start again. Having been to see Roger a couple of times in the past he asked us for any pointers on what to do, unfortunately to no avail, despite his best efforts. On trying to hook up our P-scan there were problems from the off, so the only thing we could do was disconnect everything and reinstall it, surprisingly this actually proved to be the winning solution! The car is now no longer blowing fuses left, right and centre and the immobiliser is now working as it should, happily for Roger. Great to see him again and have a chat and a cuppa before we headed further north.

Next stop was to Sherwood, where it was lovely to meet Lorraine, for work on her Mk II MGF 1.8 mpi, in paint code JBH, that she’s owned for the past 22 years.

Full cambelt service carried out for her, along with alternator belt and hydragas lift. Good to have a chat with Lorraine while we worked and meet her lovely pooch Lily.

We then headed a few miles along the road to Seaton Delaval, for investigation of a problem with Rikki’s Lotus Elise S1. Rikki had got in touch a year ago, when we had given him advice and pointers as to what was possibly occurring, we didn’t hear from him again until a couple of weeks ago when we spotted a facebook post, saying he still had the same problem. So, today we set about investigating the issue and found it to be due to having HT leads and coil packs for a VVC model, when this one is a 120. The plugs weren’t in tight enough either and were very sooted up. So we replaced the plugs, coil packs and leads and it went from sounding lumpy as heck with a lot of movement on the engine to running an awful lot smoother. He’s still got a bit of an issue with having a decat, resulting in it running a bit too rich.

Unfortunately, didn’t get chance to meet Rikki as he was abroad on holiday, but his lovely mum welcomed us with a cuppa. She happened to mention that the back window on his TF wasn’t in the best shape, as a garage had undone the zip and had broken it, resulting in a taped up window panel and a moldy car. We carry zip pullers anyway, so we replaced this for them while we were there, which his mum was really pleased about.

Lovely to have a chat with her before we left to head on to our last call of the day, only a few miles along the road, to Seaton Sluice.

Terry had got in touch only yesterday about a problem with one of the spheres on his Trophy. They’d just completed the NC500 with no issues, only to find after their return that one of the rear spheres was leaking. These were refurbed ones that we had fitted for him a few years ago. So another one to be replaced for him, when we see him next in a few weeks time.

A long and busy day, but pleased to have got everyone sorted on the first leg of our trip and in good time too, with a quick peak at the beautiful sea front at Seaton Sluice on our way to our first digs tonight, in Gosforth. –

Rough Luck Racing

Rough Luck Racing are specialised MG mobile mechanics who can provide servicing or repairs for your daily runabout, fair weather drive or track day car.

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