Holywell, Bedlington & North Broomhill…

Day 2 of 7 – Latest Tour North.

A departure from our digs in Gosforth this morning for our first call of the day in Holywell, to see George and his latest project, a MGF 1.8 mpi in paint code COF that was needing a hydragas lift. Great to see him again and have a chat before heading on our way to the next call.

This was in Bedlington where it was lovely to meet Paul for work on his, fairly new acquisition, of a LE500 (number 488) in paint code 106.

Minor service carried out, alternator belt replaced as well as the underfloor coolant pipes with stainless ones. A good chat with Paul was had while we worked, including a cracking cuppa and homemade cookies. Plus he’d heard that Jon was partial to a bit of cake!

From there we headed further north to North Broomhill where it was good to see Kevin as always. His Trophy was needed a hydragas check over. Great to have a catch-up and a cuppa with him and have fusses with his lovely woofer Monty.

We’re now on the road heading a bit further north to Dunfermline where our digs will be for the next couple of nights. –