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Mobile MG Rover Repair Service

MGF Subframe Replacement

Kevin trailoured down his fab MGF Trophy to us last Saturday from Northumberland, as it was in need of some ‘TLC’ following the last MOT that he had done, which showed up quite a few fails…

Rusty MGF Subframe


Already being a day behind on poor Jim’s TF (see previous post) we cracked on with the Trophy on Friday afternoon…

Front subframe dropped, and all ancillaries removed and replaced with new on to a galvanized subframe. New front lower arms fitted, stainless steel subframe mounts fitted, anti-roll bar and brackets fitted with new bushes. Not a bad afternoons work and something of a contrast to the last one, especially as this was fitted in around the other work.

This morning found us fitting the galvanized front subframe back in. Spheres filled back up, new brake pads and discs fitted, rear subframe cleaned up, rust proofed and coated. Wheel arch liners cleaned up and refitted. Lots of other things sorted that we don’t even charge for, that’s just what we do.

Might not be colour coordinated parts underneath the car that no one ever sees and they soon get covered in grime, but actually make sure the car is sound and we do “a proper job”.

Galvanised MGF Subframe Replacement

We can do pretty colours if that’s what people want. I personally want one of my cars doing in pink glitter above and below! (I’m not joking). 😄

So, this one’s done and what a contrast to the TF in the amount of work. We always say these cars vary so much and you can’t see what lies beneath. No glamour shots on this one. MOT booked for next Saturday when we’re back there. So just the true nitty gritty ones!

A good one to do as it is a great looking car, will get some pics when we can of her looking good in some sun hopefully and look forward to her being reunited with her lovely owner Kevin. ☺️ 💛 –

What was originally booked in for what we and the owners thought for a clutch replacement, possibly just a slave cylinder due to being stood for sometime turned into a bit of a different story!

We collected the car on Sunday from Leconfield, a TF 160 Spark that hadn’t run for quite some time due to lockdown etc, so we winched her on to the trailer and took her back to the workshop.

Up and on bright and early on Monday to get cracking full of our usual enthusiasm…

The slave cylinder was completely blown, with plunger only just hanging in the end of the cylinder. We then attempted to free off the clutch release arm, but this was absolutely seized, the worst we’ve ever come across, and of course the inevitable happened and the end of the arm snapped off, we had already made the decision to replace the arm with new, so rotated the gear box and eventually removed the arm, this took 6 hours just to carry out this process, despite soaking with AC90, heat, and lots of effort from above and below. New arm fitted and gear box turned back in to place. New bearing and clutch fitted and gearbox back on. New slave cylinder fitted. New clutch line fitted as the existing one crumbled. When it came to bleeding we then discovered that the master cylinder was only pumping 25% of what it should, therefore new one duly fitted. System all bled and clutch all sorted. When we came to turn the key to test the car it wouldn’t start as the immobiliser had kicked in. We thought this was due to the Pektron unit being scrambled due to the car being stood and the battery going flat. So we gave up that night at about 9:30 pm.

Back the following day to get cracking with the other things on the list. Both front lower wishbones were shot so these were replaced. See pics below. Possibly the worst we’ve seen and will replace the one we had in our box of horrors for our stand at shows!

Rear pads and calipers replaced and front discs replaced. Drive shaft oil seals replaced on both sides. as discovered that they were leaking after everything put back together.

For the problem with the none starting issue we removed the BCU and boxed it up ready to send to Technozen. Fortunately, the owner did have another fob, which he brought over to us this morning and yippee the car started!

This car has certainly tested us this week, it’s been a love hate situation, every single nut and bolt was seized or corroded. You expect a degree of that on these cars, given their age etc. but we persisted with some late finishes, cuts and bruises and have to say a bit of grumpy moments from us both, which is rare. At the end of the day it’s a car that needed some love and needs a bit more. I gave her a Hoover and tidy up, but due to these awful storms we’ve all been experiencing couldn’t get her out for our usual wash and brush up and photo shoot!

Bit of break on working on this one on Thursday, when Tony came over to us with his TF 135 as the interior lights were staying on, and the horn button was faulty and he wanted a pre MOT check doing and an MOT. Unfortunately, it wasn’t our first thought of the micro switches in the door mechanism. Requires further investigation as it’s down to a wiring problem. Horn button repaired. Good to see Tony again who had a windy, but sunny drive over from Mattersey.

Really pleased to have Jim and Karen’s TF all done so far, MOT booked in on Monday.

Stay safe everyone through these dreadful storms! Batten down your hatches. We came home to carnage in the garden with broken fences etc, but we do have a well needed weekend off. ☔️ –

What a transformation on this latest acquisition to Steve’s fab fleet. Bought about 3 years ago in a bit of a sorry state.

The car, that most would have sent to the scrappers, has been completely transformed and so much done to bring it to its present glory, plus a body kit fitted and a full respray, retaining its original colour (JFM) with some rainbow metaflake thrown in, which is very subtle and looked great when we pulled her out the unit into the sun.

As there wasn’t any service history with the car, we went over to Steve’s unit, in Hull, this morning to replace the cambelt, water pump, tensioner, alternator belt, oil and oil filter change, all other filters and plugs. On ECU code reading there were a number of error codes, which were all cleared. New cap fitted as the one on the car failed the pressure test.

Really enjoyable morning chatting to Steve and having fusses with the lovely Luna. It was good to see, in the flesh, their amazing bus that they transformed into a camper, absolutely brilliant.

Time well spent having a well needed tidy up today due to a no-show. A rare thing, but hey these things happen, the parts will come in handy at some point.

Can’t wait to to move into the new unit when it’s finally done. All the piles of messy stuff will be organised properly! Plus more space out the front for storage. We have a great team of lovely people all willing to offer their time to help when the day comes.

Should have been in there 10 months ago, but it will be worth the wait.

A run up to Sunderland this morning to see Nigel’s TF 135, that he uses as a daily runner, which had lost the use of the clutch pedal and he then noticed a loss of fluid out of the back of the car.

As suspected, it was the slave cylinder seals that had gone, so a new slave cylinder was duly replaced and now all back to rights. Glad to have managed to get him sorted out earlier than planned.

Good to have a catch-up with Nigel, date to be arranged for later in the year at the workshop for cambelt service and replacement of rear calipers and brake upgrade.

Spectre MGTF

Friday morning up bright and early at the workshop to greet Maggy, Phil and Peppa who drove over from Clitheroe to deliver ‘Ophelia’, Maggy’s TF 160 in Spectre (IAA) for some work, and as they put it future proofing. This is Maggy’s daily car and had reached a very respectable mileage of over 100k, with trips over to Europe and throughout the UK.

A brilliant bit of teamwork over the weekend saw us remove the existing engine and subframe and replace it with a galvanized subframe from one of our stock that we had bought from Will Naylor last year and a replacement 160 engine that Phil had sourced.

MG TF galvanized subframe

On the replacement engine we fitted a new head gasket and all other associated gaskets and ancillaries, new clutch, new clutch release arm, stainless steel engine pipes, replacement PRT, new hoses, gear box oil seals, Mike Satur slick shift, gear cable ends, new brake lines all through, brake flexi hoses all round, wheel bearings, top ball joints, track control ends, bushes to the rear top arms pressed in, new compliance bushes fitted.

Everything was stripped back fully and rust treated, all parts cleaned up and etch primed and painted. Fantastic company, lots of conversations and lots of laughs. Not to mention lots of fusses with Peppa.

We bade our fond farewells to them on Monday evening, Jon and I then carried on with the rest of the work yesterday and finally completed everything this evening, with a nice little photo shoot of Ophelia looking amazing!

We are honoured to have undertaken the work on this fab and well loved car and look forward to seeing them all again in the next couple of days for the collection.

This was an interesting one to do, this P reg MGF mpi with only 18.5k miles on the clock hadn’t ran since 2007 and had been through a few ownerships and eventually was bought by Don a couple of years ago in a stripped-down state, having been left in a garage for quite some time.

So on our way back from delivering Richard’s car to him in South Wales on Sunday we called in to Trowell to collect it and take back to the workshop.

First thing Monday we got cracking on opening a fair amount of boxes of parts that Don had been amassing for the past few months. One of which, was a stripped down recon cylinder head. This was cleaned up and put back together along with the cams out of the old head that came with the car. We removed all 4 of the liners and replaced with new.

head cleaned up and put back together

All 4 of the pistons were in good condition, but replaced all the rings with new sets. We then also carried out full cambelt service, replaced the engine bay coolant pipes with stainless, new thermostat and housing.

The inlet manifold supplied was damaged so this was replaced with one from our stock and all ancillaries swapped over; fuel rail, injectors, IACV etc. All the engine bay wiring had to be refitted. New stainless exhaust back box fitted, along with TOYO stainless manifold, new cat and Lambda sensor.

New stainless exhaust back box fitted

MLS head gasket fitted. New sump and upgraded lower oil rail fitted.When filling up with fresh coolant, we then found that the hose to the radiator was disconnected.

Then when it came to firing the car up found there was no fuel left in it at all.Once this was sorted we eventually turned the key, the lifters were sounding a little bit noisy, which is understandable from being stood, a bit of Wynn’s hydraulic lifter cleaner was added, which freed these off.

However, the car still wasn’t behaving and noticed on code reading the temperature climbing, which we traced to be a blocked radiator, so a new one fitted, plus the new thermostat wasn’t opening. Thermostat removed and tested, which proved that it was faulty, new stat fitted and that issue then resolved.

However, we’re still not entirely convinced that all is not as it should be as we believe the stem seals have hardened over time on the head that Don supplied us with, he will see how things go over the next few weeks whilst he does a bit of a tidy up with the inside and outside of the car and then will take it for the MOT and let us know how things go.

While there is minimum smoke at an even rev, if the car is revved hard and throttle eased off there is evident blue smoke. This is a sure sign of when stem seals let oil past on the overrun. Again only time will tell when car has been run.

Don had already replaced the underfloor pipes, he’d done 3 of the brakes, but one was being awkward, so this was sorted, brakes all bled and the clutch wasn’t working, so this was bled too. New battery fitted to enable us to drive the car on and off the trailer. As when we picked the car up we had no brakes, which proved interesting on loading up.

So we think Don was very pleased to see everything fettled and being driven back on to his driveway this afternoon. Really good one to do and so pleased that Don wanted to invest in saving it. We look forward to seeing the car again when it’s had a bit of spruce up.

This was an interesting one...

A trip to Telford this morning for work on Justin’s TF 160, that he has owned for the past 5 years. Cambelt, water pump, tensioner and all service items replaced. A pleasure to work on with only one potential awkward bolt, the tensioner bolt wasn’t the standard one and had been fitted with a spline bolt, so with a bit of baited breath it eventually came undone, not much fun and results in many hours of pain if these round off. Correct bolt duly fitted.Lovely to meet Justin and glad that the weather wasn’t too awful.

Busy day at the workshop yesterday with a few things. One of which was Ian’s MGF in Wedgewood (JBH) that he dropped off for underfloor pipes replacement. Date booked in later in the year for service and MOT.

Richard’s MGF all loaded up ready to return to him in South Wales tomorrow. Looking forward to our trip down and reuniting car and owner.

MGF in Wedgewood

Rough Luck Racing

Rough Luck Racing are specialised MG mobile mechanics who can provide servicing or repairs for your daily runabout, fair weather drive or track day car.

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