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Mobile MG Rover Repair Service

MGF Head Gasket Replacement in Bromsgrove
A day out of the workshop today with a run down to Bromsgrove, where it was great to see Keith again for work on his two fab cars.

Head gasket replacement carried out on his MGF 1.8 in Volcano Pearlescent (EAC). Keith had also noticed an intermittent problem with a misfire/loss of power. We found this to be down to a piece that had broken off the distributor cap, and a worn out rotar arm. Would you believe we used our last one of these items two days ago, (having been sat on the shelf for ages), typical. A call to the local euro car parts who luckily had one of each on the shelf. Car back up and running lovely again.

In the time we last saw the car, Keith had treated it to a Mike Satur 4-2-1 manifold and Daytona back box with the oval tips, looks and sounds very nice.

His TF 135 was suffering from a sticky throttle, so we went armed with a replacement pedal, which was duly fitted and all found to be good again.

What an enjoyable day with great company. Big thanks to Keith and his wife for their hospitality, many cuppas, food and the biggest chocolate eclair ever! Not to mention lovely fusses with Pippy and Buster. –

MGF Abingdon restoration, recommission and repair
Next up for the workshop was this lovely Abingdon that was in need of some attention, Paul had got in touch a few months ago to ask if we could pop over and assess what would be required to get her back to rights again, having been stood for quite some time gathering leaves in the driveway and looking a bit sad.

So we picked her up on Friday from Barmby in the Marsh, bit of a struggle getting her on the trailer as the clutch as to be expected wasn’t in the best way, once at the workshop set about the list of things to do.

Head gasket replacement, cambelt, water pump, tensioner, spark plugs, all filters, alternator belt, slave cylinder, hydragas pump up, new battery, front to rear brake lines, nearside brake line, minor bit of welding, new HT leads and distributor cap, full underfloor treatment carried out and then finally the MOT this afternoon. Gave her a bit of a wash and a brush up and de-leafed!

The next stage for this car is for a full respray, which is booked in over at Cleckheaton in the next couple of weeks. Can’t wait to see the final result. What a fantastic resurrection of a beautiful little car that will be enjoying many more days of fun and a real pleasure doing this for Paul and Tracy.

Sunday was a busy one as Simon came over to see us with his TF 135 that was still giving intermittent misfire issues. Having previously replaced the Lambda sensor, this didn’t sort it, but on further investigation it was found to be a corroded HT lead, and the coil packs weren’t up spec, so these were all replaced and happily for Simon problem solved. Nice to see him for a quick chat.

Stephen came over to drop off his TF 160. Each time we’ve been over to Chesterfield for the past few years he’s always been working, so it was good to see him again. Underfloor treatment carried out and minor service done over the last two days.

The TF 135 we had in from Carlisle was collected and taken back to be reunited with the owner.

Busy and very cold, but enjoyable few days at the workshop, looking forward to seeing the owners coming over for their cars in the next couple of days. –

MGF at Sunset
Work all complete on this MGF VVC that we collected from Burry Port, Carmarthenshire, at the weekend and an enjoyable one to do.

The car had been stood since October 2018, when we last worked on it, due to Richard’s commitments with setting up their fab tea rooms and B&B. Having owned the car from new he wanted it back on the road again to enjoy once more.

Full cambelt service carried out, underfloor treatment, hydragas fill, new gearbox oil, brake fluid flush, old fuel replaced, new exhaust back box fitted, 2 new front tyres fitted, cleaned up front discs and fitted new pads and finally MOT done.

We look forward to returning the car to Richard and enjoying more cake and tea at the ‘Harbour Tea Room’, which is definitely worth a visit. Lovely little place Burry Port, with a fantastic beach.

Day off from the workshop today to do the joyful task of the tax returns. 📚 –

Burry Port Beach

MGTF 160 Sold
This fab looking TF 160 was sold today, good to see it heading off to be well looked after and enjoyed by Peter, and having a new life over in Wigan.

Great to meet Peter, and see his brother David again, whose MGF 1.8 mpi we’ve been looking after now for a number of years. Here’s to them enjoying many days out together. –

MGTF 160 Interior


👉 MGF headlights – £100 a pair

👉 Mk II seats – coffee & cream – £100 a pair

Collection only from Holme on Spalding Moor.

👉 Other parts available from this MGF in CDX. –

MGF Mk II seats in coffee & cream for sale

MGTF 135
A busy week and a fitting end to the year…

After enjoying a couple of days off for Christmas we got back to it on Monday, when Jon went over to Mundesley, in Norfolk to collect Allen’s TF 135. After previously doing some work on his driveway, the car was in need of some tlc at the workshop, having been caught in a flood some time ago.

Full underfloor treatment carried out, discs and pads all round, new binnacle fitted, courtesy of Jakobi Design, wing mirrors replaced for electric ones and all wired in, kudos to Jon, he has such patience. A rather large hole in the sill cut back and a patch welded in to the the sill. Few other things done on quite a bit of a list.

The next step is for Allen to sort out the bodywork, he’s in need of a bonnet in JRJ if anyone can help him.

It’s been really good getting this car back to rights and great that Allen wanted to invest in it. MOT booked for next week and then we will find a date to return it to Norfolk.

The other one we’re so pleased to have completed is Steve’s TF 135, in Celestial Blue (IAI), that came over to us from Carlisle. The car had been stood for 4-5 years, we had previously replaced the clutch and the head gasket, but Steve wanted it to come to the workshop for a few other things on the list to get her sorted fully as he intends having the car as a keeper…

Long (side to side) gear cable was replaced, new caliper to the rear, new PRT, subframe mounts replaced with stainless steel ones, voltage regulator fitted, full underfloor treatment carried out and a clean up inside the cabin and under the bonnet etc. complete with eviction of mouse and it’s mess, slightly less whiffy now too! MOT booked in for next week and then she will be returned back to her home. Looking forward to owner and the car being reunited.

Lovely to meet Kevin, on Wednesday, who popped over from Selby, with his TF 135, that he had fully renovated himself, over the past couple of years. He initially had continuous hot air to the heaters, then it switched to not having any heat at all, on investigation we found it to be due to the fact the outer cable on the heater control valve had become detached. Duly fixed and problem sorted. Very nice looking car and an absolute credit to him.

Lovely as always to see Noel, who popped over on Thursday morning in his LE 500, as the EML light kept coming on and off sporadically. On code reading it was found to have ones that are not known. Further investigation needed…

We also got a few more things completed on the TF 160 that the new owner is waiting patiently to collect. New slave cylinder fitted and release arm freed off, couple more things to do and she’s good to go!

A tiring week, not helped by the fact we both felt a bit grotty after having our ‘booster’ but it’s great to end the year on a very positive note.

Happy New Year to everyone! 🥳 –

Ready to go

🎄✨🎄 “Happy Christmas” 🎄✨🎄

To all of our friends and customers old and new. What a year it has been and a challenging one for so many again. But, so nice to see, the good old human resolve shining through. Let’s hope 2022 sees some changes for the better for everyone.

Thank you, so much, for your loyalty and unfailing support during 2021. We’ve met some truly lovely people and have been made very welcome in your homes and workplaces and car parks alike! Plus we have been so lucky to have visited some amazing locations again, throughout the U.K.

Happy Christmas from Jon & Claire

🌟Our very ‘Best Wishes’ for the festive season and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022 🌟

🎄⭐️🎄⭐️ Jon & Claire ⭐️🎄⭐️🎄 –

Head gasket and cambelt service on this 1999 MGF
We went back up to Kelloe, in County Durham, this morning for head gasket and cambelt service on this 1999 MGF 143 (in HFF).

Good to see Nick again, who had bought the car back in September. When we last saw him at the beginning of November we popped in to check over the car for a query head gasket failure. Nothing definitive could be found, but subsequently a week or so ago the car suffered from a split hose, this was replaced, but the car then overheated.

All done without any problems apart from the grotty weather 🌧

Good to have Nick’s fab car all back to rights again for him to enjoy once the weather brightens up. Thanks to him for a plentiful supply of tea and offers of food. ☕️ 🍕 –

Rough Luck Racing

Rough Luck Racing are specialised MG mobile mechanics who can provide servicing or repairs for your daily runabout, fair weather drive or track day car.

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