We said we would follow-up on previous blog on Monday regarding Stephen and Marie’s LE 500 ‘Ellie’ (number 108) with the ABS problem…
It turns out to have been multiple problems; the first being the offside rear ABS sensor that was faulty, the rest being all four of the reluctor rings, causing intermittent signals. The LE 500 reluctor rings seem to be massively more corroded than any of the earlier MG ones. With this in mind and limited, or no stock available of the LE versions we replaced both rear drive shafts, and both front half shafts with early TF ones, which are still 100% in better condition than the LE ones.
Once all this was fitted, it was found to be back to a smooth drive and smooth braking, which included being tested on gravel to see if the ABS would kick in and everything works fine we’re pleased to report.
So she’s all good to go for their next trip to France. – https://ift.tt/jT4ptn2