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Mobile MG Rover Repair Service

Rough Luck Racing Update

MGTF Stepspeed

Good day working on Rod’s very tidy Stepspeed at the workshop.

All of the coolant hoses throughout the car were swapped out for new ones. Engine bay pipes replaced with stainless steel ones. New PRT fitted.

Whilst in there the crank sensor and speed sensor were replaced with new.

Car running nicely. Final checks and look over to be done tomorrow.

Posted by Rough Luck Racing on Facebook at May 29, 2020 at 08:53PM

Rough Luck Racing Update

MGTF Recovered

Safely delivered Rod, and all tucked up for the night. Ready for a few things over the next couple of days.

Had a blow out only 20 minutes from the workshop, bit frustrating, quick swap of spare wheel and on our way again.

Great to see you and Mick today, socially distancing of course. Look forward to seeing you on Sunday 😃

Posted by Rough Luck Racing on Facebook at May 28, 2020 at 05:09PM

Rough Luck Racing Update

Great to meet Richard today in Levenshulme, Manchester and his fab looking MGF 143 in Tahiti.

Richard had replaced the head gasket twice, but unfortunately it was still overheating. After he had tried multiple new caps, which turned out to be the ones without the dimple in the middle,
that have proven to be faulty.
Combined with the radiator still needing bleeding and the return valve from the inlet manifold being blocked, which caused another air lock in the head, all of these were sorted out and it was running sweet as a nut. A nice inexpensive fix and a great result for Richard.

Posted by Rough Luck Racing on Facebook at May 22, 2020 at 07:27PM

Rough Luck Racing

Rough Luck Racing are specialised MG mobile mechanics who can provide servicing or repairs for your daily runabout, fair weather drive or track day car.

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