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Mobile MG Rover Repair Service

Mobile MG TF 115 Clutch replacement
Clutch replacement today in Holton-le-Clay…

Really great to meet Graham who had bought this TF 115 earlier in the year from Amanda, a previous customer from a couple of years ago when we replaced the head gasket. Thanks to her for recommending us to Graham, it’s always good to continue to look after these cars with their new owners.

Apart from the usual rusted and corroded bolts all went really well, with the gearbox going back on nice and easy. The gearbox support arm was in good condition and slave cylinder was good, just a new clevis pin needed as this one had a few steps in it.

Thanks, to Graham, for clearing out his garage ahead of our visit, we had some shelter from storm Barra, which was very welcome, not to mention the constant steady stream of warming cuppas. ☕️

Workshop day yesterday to refit the back screen, which arrived back from Ireland, to DiDi’s MGF that we have in. Restock and prep the camper for the week ahead.

Sunday was a slight change in plan due not being able to return the MGF to Portsmouth, I had a day off and Jon fitted the nearside front lower suspension arm and steering column universal joint to the camper.

Clutch two of the 3 tomorrow that I booked in this week, I know sack the planner! Oops! 😬 Well, at least it’s local again, just over the Humber bridge. –

Rough Luck Racing

Rough Luck Racing are specialised MG mobile mechanics who can provide servicing or repairs for your daily runabout, fair weather drive or track day car.

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